Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Grand Total...

For the whole semester in vis com II, I've spent 151.9 hours!

Total Hours

The total hours I worked on Vis Com stuff post midterm was 85.5 hours.

....and the rest of the stuff...

They are not perfect nor approved, but I got something.

6 Pack Labels

This was how it looked like laid out in indesign, then I diligently cut all of them out.  Round corners suck!

 6 Pack layout

I was working with the labels and carrier at the same time so the total of both was 8 hours.
 Rapala POP

If I printed this out, I would have to trim off the sides, because they did not line up when I reflected it.  but basically it folds like a triangle and can sit on the countertop by the cash register or the shelves of sporting goods stores, like Dick's Sporting Goods.  The background is a close up picture of a cool design on a jewelry box from Hidden Treasures.  I thought it was good to resemble movement.

This took 1 hour.
Rapala Spread

This was a major procrastination issue.  I really did not enjoy working with Rapala.  I had no pictures of fishing, so I just illustrated a fish.

This took 6.5 hours.

Wick Fowler Ad Series

I really did not understand how to do this, but it is 3 column by 10 inch. 

This took 1 hour.

Wick Fowler Poster Series

I struggled with these, I went with humor for the concept.  

This took 3.5 hours.

Semester Portfolio!

World Guide Travel Broshure

This is a twenty page broshure/booklet for study abroad.  I got permission to take pictures from my friends' facebook pages who are studying abroad in London and Italy and they also visited some other places as well like France.  This was a huge challenge, because we had to work with mass amount of text and had to fit everything on one page and have it look good and not too overwhelming.  This was actually suppose to have been started before midterm break, but it continued throughout post midterm for me.  I do like how it turned out, I think the pictures added nice touches to the overall pieces.  

The total on this was 32.5 hours.

Ramen Noodles

It took me a while to actually finally start on the Ramen Noodles Layout, mainly because I had to go out and buy ramen, make it, and take pictures, or illustrate it.  I finally started taking pictures, next was figuring what to do with the pictures and how to create an interesting layout.  I think the colorful placemat makes the layout look more interesting and eye catching.

I spent 5.5 hours on this, which I think was over budget.  Whoops!

Society of Illustrators

I had a hard time with the Society of Illustrators Poster.  I did not know what concept to do for this and I was really bad at making illustrations.  I found this picture from a friend and I really loved the vibrant colors of the fruits and strawberries, so I used it for the four colored side.  On the two colored side, I illustrated the outlines of the strawberries and repeated them around the border.  

This took 5.5 hours.

Audio CD Booklet (Pride and Prejudice)

This actually was not very difficult for me to work on.  It was just a pain on deciding what book to do, because they were all such interesting choices and if I picked the wrong one for me to do, that would have sucked.  But I chose Pride and Prejudice, because I really like the old time-y, victorian style, classy, feel to the book.  I just went to Hidden Treasures and shot pictures of antique things and old clocks and figurines.  I used the old CD template from Vis Com I.  I found the print online and re-created it using illustrator.

This took 9.5 hours, which was over budget, but I really like the way that it turned out.

Book Dust Cover (Pride and Prejudice)

The same goes for the book dust cover.  It was pretty easy what I wanted to do with it, once I was done with the CD, because it was the same style.  I really like the binding how it shows the lace, I think that's my favorite part.  I did not want to put any pictures on it, because I did not want anything to distract from the print and make it look too busy.

This took 4.5 hours.

Herpetology Poster (Pre-Midterm)

From pre-midterm.  I just really like this picture and the tagline.

Red Barn Poster (Pre-Midterm)

From pre-midterm.  I like my concept and the movement of this piece.  It's pretty simple, but still interesting to look at.

Jazz Combo Poster (Pre-Midterm)

From pre-midterm.  I also like the concept of this one and the illustrated saxophone that took forever to do.