Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 Fonts

Our assignment was to choose 5 fonts to have with us if we were stranded on a deserted island. These typefaces will be the only ones that we use in our projects from now on. I've always liked Georgia, it was always the go to font that I chose to use in papers when we didn't have to use Times New Roman. I like Garamond, because oddly it reminds me of the words on the label of a chocolate bar, probably because it sounds like almond. Baskerville, I think of the typefaces in books and seems old-fashioned and I really like that. I have not worked with Clarendon yet, but I saw it and it looks interesting.

Friday, January 14, 2011


We had to use elements from our first typeface poster and incorporate them in an animated banner.

Redesign Typeface Poster

Our second design was to redesign the previous typeface poster. I used similar elements from my first poster, but it looks very different.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Typeface Poster

Our first design for Vis. Com. II was to create a 13 x 19in informational/promotional poster for a typeface that we chose from a list. We had to use a bleed, only black for the color, and include a variety of upper and lower case letterform and numbers. I chose the typeface, clearface, because I thought it was a pretty playful font to work with. We were given three hours to finish this design and this is my finished product.